Owls, Nothing but Owls! Art Rubber Stamp Sheet designed by Michelle Frae Cummings SCMFC001

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9.00 (in)
7.00 (in)
0.25 (in)
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This full sheet of nothing but owls (and two branches) is made from hand drawings by designer and Inspiration Team Leader Michelle Frae Cummings!

  • This sheet is un-mounted, it measures 7 inches by 9 inches.
  • The smallest owl is just about 1 inch by 1 inch.
  • The largest owl is next to the longest branch and measure 3 inches by 2 inches.
  • The longest branch stamp is 4 inches long. The shorter branch is 2 1/2 inches long.

The rubber stamps are un-mounted. 

**Special note for this plate. You will receive one rubber stamp for each image 
shown. Sometimes it will be separate stamps rather than a whole solid sheet.**